Monday, November 12, 2007

Janelinhas saltitonas da alma

«Years ago Leonard Michaels, upon seeing the phrase "Her eyes dropped" in one of my stories, wrote in the margin, "Did they bounce?" Well, you could be sure I never did that again. But now, teaching writing myself, I see it all the time: characters' eyes all over the place. They travel around the room, climb up the walls, but rarely do they stay in their sockets. And that's just the beginning of the problem with eyes. Portals of the soul, round like marbles, pools of water: I've never seen a body part that so welcomes cliché.»

The Elegant Variation

(A melhor inoculação que conheço contra este vício específico - choques em cadeia entre globos oculares vagabundos - é um conto chamado "'Tis the Season to be Jelly", de Richard Matheson. Está incluído no livro Shock III, que podem adquirir em segunda mão na Amazon, ou em alternativa, pedi-lo emprestado à minha pessoa, com os vossos olhos aparafusados ao solo em súplica dextrivolúvel.)

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