Wednesday, September 26, 2007

The Plot Against Vespuccia

«...The Americas may actually have been named after Richard Ameryk, a wealthy Welsh merchant who was the main investor in the second transantlantic voyage of Giovanni Caboto. New lands in the 15th-century were usually named after a person's last name, not the first. If it was Amerigo Vespucci who gave his moniker, America would instead be called "Vespuccia".»

("A Welsh discovery", da secção de cartas do Economist)

... Vespuccian Pastoral, The Great Vespuccian Novel, Vespuccian Psycho, Vespuccian Beauty, The Quiet Vespuccian, Trout Fishing in Vespuccia, Purple Vespuccia, Vespucciana... passei a manhã a pensar nisto e em como a literatura moderna se livrou de um pesadelo fonético. As melhores estantes da Fnac pareceriam ter sido paridas por Doris Lessing, na sua fase Ficção Científica.

(O Lourenço, pelos vistos, também lê o Economist atrasado. Mas olha que há uma piada bem melhor nesse artigo: aquela do "over-qualified" no segundo parágrafo.)

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