Monday, December 18, 2006

Economistas vs. Físicos

Para quem achou a sugestão de leitura anterior demasiado técnica, aqui fica outra mais leve: Economics vs. Physics Love-Off, ainda no Cosmic Variance.
Economists have a huge amount of influence over actual public policy, while admiration for physicists doesn’t get you too much beyond the “Isn’t that cool!” level, and occasional appearances on late-night radio. (...) These three sentences point to a definite failure on the part of physicists to successfully get their message across. (...) Unfortunately — and to a signficant extent this is our own fault — it’s not always clear to the person on the street which ideas are speculative and which have come to be accepted, nor is it clear that we have good reasons even for the wildest speculations.
Esta vai com dedicatória ao Luís Aguiar Conraria, ao Sérgio dos Santos e ao João Miranda.

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