Graças ao imprescindível Return of the Reluctant, que tem vindo a exumar alguns links do com as entrevistas literárias de Charlie Rose na PBS, fui dar com este pedacinho de história audiovisual: um excerto do infame Cavett Show de 1971, com a presença de Norman Mailer, Gore Vidal e Janet Flanner, durante o qual o anfitrião Dick Cavett e Mailer se envolveram num relevante debate filosófico (começa aos 29:14):
MAILER: "I guarantee you I wouldn't hit any of the people here because they are smaller"
CAVETT: "In what ways?"
MAILER: "Intelectually. Intellectually smaller."
CAVETT: "Perhaps you'd like two more chairs to contain your intelect."
MAILER: "I'll take the two chairs if you'll all accept fingerbowls."
CAVETT: "What?"
MAILER: "Fingerbowls."
CAVETT: "What does that mean? I don't understand. I wanna know and then I will respond accordingly. Fingerbowls. . . To do what in?"
MAILER: "Think about it."
CAVETT: "Fingerbowls, fingerbowls. Things you dip your fingers on after you've gotten them filthy from eating. Am I on the right track, am I warm?"
MAILER: "Why don't you look at your question sheet and ask your question?"
CAVETT: "Why don't you fold it five-ways and put it where the moon don't shine?"
MAILER: "I guarantee you I wouldn't hit any of the people here because they are smaller"
CAVETT: "In what ways?"
MAILER: "Intelectually. Intellectually smaller."
CAVETT: "Perhaps you'd like two more chairs to contain your intelect."
MAILER: "I'll take the two chairs if you'll all accept fingerbowls."
CAVETT: "What?"
MAILER: "Fingerbowls."
CAVETT: "What does that mean? I don't understand. I wanna know and then I will respond accordingly. Fingerbowls. . . To do what in?"
MAILER: "Think about it."
CAVETT: "Fingerbowls, fingerbowls. Things you dip your fingers on after you've gotten them filthy from eating. Am I on the right track, am I warm?"
MAILER: "Why don't you look at your question sheet and ask your question?"
CAVETT: "Why don't you fold it five-ways and put it where the moon don't shine?"
(Para os interessados, há mais entrevistas de Charlie Rose: Martin Amis e Gore Vidal, Ian McEwan, sobre Atonement, duas (esta, de 1998 e esta, de 2003) com o sempre afável e interessante avô Updike, e uma com o talentoso bandana-man David Foster Wallace.)
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